RCA Affirmations for Couples

From Affirmations for Couples Pamphlet
© 1992, 2017 by the World Service Organization for Recovering Couples Anonymous, Inc. All rights reserved.
  1. We are a beautiful, unique couple and we deserve recovery.

  2. We treat each other with honor and respect.

  3. We are honest, direct, appropriate, and respectful with each other.

  4. We are totally deserving of unconditional love.

  5. We are a work of art in progress.

  6. We enrich our relationship by reaching out to other couples committed to recovery.

  7. We are changing and growing in the present moment.

  8. We seek to build closeness and intimacy by asking for what we need and want.

  9. Today we acknowledge that our needs may be different. We find healthy ways to get our needs met through many available resources.

  10. We communicate our differences with love and respect.

  11. We respect each other's boundaries.

  12. We respect each other's path of recovery.

  13. We can each grow at our own pace.

  14. We can lovingly confront our partner and share our feelings, even if pain is part of that growth.

  15. We know, understand, and accept ourselves as a couple. We gently invite each other to grow.

  16. We support our partner's individuality with our love and understanding.

  17. We support each other's growth and ability to make healthy choices.

  18. We affirm qualities in our partner that we admire. We choose to share how these qualities enrich our relationship.

  19. Today we affirm the little child within our partner and nurture that special quality.

  20. Our relationship grows as we get to know our partner.

  21. We are fully developing ourselves as persons within a healthy relationship.

  22. We accept and respect our differences and look at how they enhance our relationship.

  23. Today we affirm that our partnership is made of two equal, unique parts and that our relationship has a valuable life of its own.

  24. We help each other learn how to love.

  25. “I Love You” can be said by a touch or a look.

  26. We express our love in words and actions on a daily basis.

  27. Today we develop balance in all areas of our relationship.

  28. We are a gift to share with each other and with other couples.

  29. Today we accept that we do not have all the answers.

  30. We can be empowered and vulnerable at the same time.

  31. We choose to say "no" when we are not safe.

  32. We trust our sponsor couple and open ourselves to their experience, strength, and hope.

  33. We ask our Higher Power for the courage and wisdom to face each new challenge in our coupleship.

  34. We are lovable for who we are rather than what we do.

  35. We do not abandon each other.

  36. We choose to be best friends.

  37. We STEPPED in time.

  38. Today we have healthy conflict, and there is no winner or loser.

  39. We affirm our growth: first we learn to listen; then we listen to learn.

  40. We listen to each other with our hearts, and we open our minds.

  41. We share sorrows and joys.

  42. We can agree to disagree. It is OK to disagree.

  43. Today we choose to let go of fear, to take healthy risks, and to become more intimate.

  44. We feel relief as we share our fears with each other.

  45. We are safe with each other, and it is 0K to express insights about our mistakes.

  46. We are learning to be better parents.

  47. We take responsibility for our mistakes and learn from our experiences.

  48. It's OK to love my partner and be angry at the same time.

  49. Secrets build walls of confusion and threaten our relationship. Today we seek to create an atmosphere of openness and honesty.

  50. We let go of expectations and perceived outcomes. We place our future in the hands of our Higher Power.

  51. Today we choose to live in the present, despite our individual or couple history.

  52. We know that much of our anger is based on our family-of-origin baggage.

  53. We recognize our triggers without reacting to them. We see the underlying family-of-origin issues.

  54. We choose to forgive and make peace with ourselves.

  55. We forgive each other.

  56. We peacefully respond to change, rather than react and create crises.

  57. When we come to a crossroads in our life, we reach out to each other, ask for guidance from fellow recovering couples, and seek our Higher Power to find a true path.

  58. Our RCA three-legged stool does not topple: Each of us and our coupleship are recovering.

  59. We allow ourselves creative space to work and play in many ways. We find new directions and opportunities.

  60. It is fun to play with each other, and we enjoy playing together.

  61. We build intimacy through sharing the ordinary moments in life.

  62. We learn from each other's ability to show love.

  63. Today we can find a new way to express our love for our partner.

  64. We enjoy each other's touch. Our couple sexuality is not a barometer of relationship success.

  65. We are sexually intimate with each other through words, touches, looks, sounds, and thoughts.

  66. We accept mutual responsibility for our sexual relationship, both in giving and receiving sexual pleasure and in recognizing each other's boundaries.

  67. We share a spiritual connection through our mutual sexual relationship.

  68. As our coupleship heals, hope reappears in our relationship.

  69. We relax and enjoy our life right now.

  70. Today we have recovery tools to build commitment, caring, and communication.

  71. We build dreams together and live them one day at a time.

  72. We validate our coupleship through our recovery. We are proud of who we are.

  73. Laughter and healthy humor bring lightness and healing to our relationship.

  74. I am recovering with my partner. Our coupleship is in recovery.

  75. We are steadily growing in intimacy with the help of our Higher Power.

  76. We find regular ways to restore our connection with each other and with our Higher Power.

  77. We walk together. We play together. We pray together. We are together.